Our Capabilities

Whatever your commerce challenge, wherever you are in the world, KINESSO Commerce has tech-driven experts on hand to deliver. We create and share commerce intelligence that helps you navigate and unify a fragmented retail landscape and grow your business.

Unified Retail Media Solution

This one-stop retail solution is designed to help brands navigate the typically closed world of Retail Media and bring openness and trust into this fast-growing new medium. Our dedicated retail experts demystify the Retail Media space for your brand, offering a unified solution that drives incremental growth for your investment. We help you optimize across retailers and drive profitable Retail Media sales. Read more about our Unified Retail Media Solution.

Commerce Strategy & Operations

The heart of eCommerce platforms like Amazon isn’t actually branding or marketing—it’s operations. We can help optimize your business for a seamless back-end performance while building an agile eCommerce strategy framework to manage growth, forecast sales and enter new markets. Find out more.

Direct-To-Consumer (DTC)

Consumer shopping habits have changed. To keep up, brands must decide what role their own channel plays in their shopping journey. If you introduce friction anywhere along their journey, you could risk losing your customer. Read more about our DTC services.

Retail Content

Brands spend millions driving traffic to shoppable destinations, whether that’s Direct to Consumer, Marketplaces or eRetailers.  But too often the experience and content at those destinations is largely ignored despite the potential to significantly increase conversion. With dedicated commerce experience & content teams globally we can help. Read more.

Want to Learn More?

Our dedicated team includes specialists from the retail world and leading global marketplaces. This wealth of commerce experience helps us drive crucial profitability for your brand.

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