Rose Tagas

Global Commerce

A bit about me

Rose has more than 15 years of experience in media across national and commerce disciplines. In her early years she focused her experience on entertainment, spanning theatrical, home entertainment, gaming and network/syndication with top clients such as Warner Bros., Disney and Universal Pictures.

To expand her knowledge base and complement her established skillset, Rose immersed herself in all-things commerce. She has delivered commerce services to various high profile clients including Henkel, Storck, Truvia and Capital Brands, focusing on driving sales for well-known brands, such as Dial, Werther’s and Nutribullet.

Rose specializes in delivering cohesive multitouch plans that incorporate Retail Media Networks, traditional in-store media partners and cutting-edge shoppable tech. As part of the Commerce leadership team, Rose has helped support the evolution of the practice, ensuring our clients get the best offerings and guidance available in the marketplace.

KINESSO Commerce
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